of tokens.
with the largest selection 
Why Swap
with us?
Security & Privacy first
Frontier is a crypto app that integrates with multiple verified and trusted providers to perform your swaps. We make sure DApps don't access personal data without your consent
The best price
With multiple decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and the DEXs aggregators, you get better rates and liquidity for your crypto exchange. You are free to choose from the one you prefer to swap on and how
Largest tokens selection
You can always access the largest token selection with 8+ trusted DEXs and aggregators. Frontier's swap feature also allows you to paste the smart contract address of the tokens or crypto assets you couldn't find in the list
How to swap?
Frontier recommends the best one for you while you can still choose your preferred one

Our Swapping Partners
Get the best price from the top DEXs in the market
Need more help? Explore our FAQs
What and why do you need to swap crypto?
Difference between swapping crypto - Centralized and Decentralized exchanges
What is the best process to follow?
Do you lose Crypto when Swapping?
Do you have to report crypto swaps?
Explore other FAQs